Category Archives: Corporate Housing

How To find the PERFECT Rental For You

If you love the idea of living in a home, with perks like a large backyard, more outdoor space, and privacy, renting a house is a good alternative to buying. More people are choosing this option — the Urban Institute says single-family rentals are the fastest-growing segment of the rental market. As you’re thinking of […]

Travel Tips and Tricks

Travel to Midland, TX

While jet-setting around the globe may seem glamorous, all the steps leading up to takeoff aren’t always a slice of heaven. Packing a suitcase, navigating an unfamiliar city, and hailing down a taxi or Uber are all stressful. Fortunately, a few practical travel tips and tricks can make your trips smoother and more relaxing. Consider […]

Event Planning Tips and Tricks

Events in Midland, Texas

Though event planners know that no matter the event destination or venue, a smart and creative layout… Can transport attendees to a new world defined by the holistic purpose of the meeting at large. And in the age of the “purposeful meeting,” conferences and other events are taking full advantage. As the industry continues to […]

Thanksgiving Prep for a Small Home

If you’re hosting a Thanksgiving celebration for the first time, you might be wondering how you’re going to make it work in a small space. You can celebrate big in a small home if you plan ahead and follow these five easy tips for hosting your Thanksgiving Day celebration like a pro. Make Your Plan […]

College Budget Tips and Tricks

Creating a college student budget is an essential step to responsibly handling your finances a moving out for the first time. It should account for your income and expenses, allowing you to minimize debt and handle your monthly obligations like a pro. To start prioritizing your spending, consider these five tips to help you get […]

Children’s Miracle Network Hospital

What is Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals? Support Midland and Odessa Children! More than 10 million kids enter a children’s hospital like your local children’s hospital across North America every year. To provide the best care for kids, children’s hospitals rely on donations and community support. As Medicaid and insurance programs do not fully cover the […]

Midland County Fair

Furnished Apartments in Midland

Midland County Fair At the Midland County Fair there will be cotton candy, Ferris wheels and rodeo highlight much of the Midland County Fair, which opens at 5:30 p.m. at the Horseshoe. But perhaps the real kick-off is Austin-based singer Parker McCollum and his opening night concert at the amphitheater. After garnering attention from “Rolling […]

Midland, Tx $10 Physicals

Midland, TX – Midland, Tx- If you still need to get your children’s school physicals before the next school year or sports season, MISD wants you to know that there’s still a chance. Premier Physicians Health and Wellness Clinic, located at 709 West Louisiana, has reserved specific dates for students. From July 30 to August […]

Top Outdoor Shops In Midland

Top Outdoor Shops in Midland In Midland, there is a lot of outdoor activities you can do. Whether it is golfing, tubing, fishing, etc… Midland offers a variety of different shops to chose from. With the small-town mentality and large-town hospitality, Midland has THE best stores in Texas.  This is our list of what stores […]